When you buy from a breeder, you don’t have to bow down to a high-schooler with delusions of grandeur. Unannounced home inspections (wich are a massive invasion of privacy), fees so high that you might as well buy from a breeder, ridiculous restrictions on future behaviour. Or ones suited for people with allergies.Some shelters make ridiculous demands of potential adopters.

If the dog is supposed to be a working animal, the breed can be important. Shelters mostly just guess what breed a dog is. No concerns about the animal reacting aggressively to something because of past trauma the shelter didn’t know, or didn’t tell you about.Some people want a specific breed of dog. You don’t have to worry about un-teaching it bad behaviour it may have picked up from a previous owner. whether it’s healthy or not is a mystery.When you adopt a puppy from a breeder, you get a dog without any trauma or behavioral issues, because a good breeder would not sell such an animal. Shelter dogs mostly have no pedigree at all.

The parents have been selected to minimise the risk of congenital disorders. com brings you a free printable horse (or livestock, or dog) The Pedigree. In many cases, because it is a superior product, and they are willing to pay for quality.With a reputable breeder, the dogs pedigree can be traced back several generations. Get the free dog pedigree generator form Get Form Show details Fill dog. It’s quite unattractive.People get dogs from a breeder because they want to.

First of all, back off the judgemental attitude.